Venture Unified
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Venture Unified
- Partner Programs
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Browse our learning categories
for K-12 students
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math
Critical Literacy
"What are the words you do not yet have?" -Audre Lorde
College and career readiness
Reimagine online learning with us
Watch this video to learn more about our Online Courses
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Our gamified lessons are
Available Courses
Each course series will have 30 gamified lessons for you to choose from. These bite-sized asynchronous lessons are a chance to explore new research topics in STEAM or dive into introductory themes to build a foundation in field-specific academic literacy. All lessons align with grade appropriate CCSS, NGSS, and SEL Skill Standards.
Step 1: Browse courses and available lessons
Step 2: Subscribe to register to your favorite mini lesson or build your own course bundle and start learning!
Step 3: Become familiar with our learning platform deck.toys by completing our free "Welcome to deck.toys" lesson. You may create your own account or register as a guest.
Step 4: Connect with our learning community, collect badges, and get personalized feedback from course instructors or mentors
Why Learn Online with Us?
🏆 With every lesson earn collectable badges and show them off in your student portfolio.
🎮Want collectable pins or stickers? Trade in game points for merchandise by complete concept questions and games in each lesson.
AllIntroductorySTEAMWhen you subscribe, you will also get access to our community space.
Why Join Our Community Space?
VU learners access a growing network of peers, mentors, and working professionals with shared visions and goals.
Learners can
Create a personalized profile that highlight your lesson badges, interests, and skillsets.
Build portfolios in Inkwire and showcase your work.
Advocate for your local community with data informed, culturally relevant projects.
Share your work with universities for competitive college admissions or internships.
Connect with mentors in your field of interest.
© 2022 Venture Unified, LLC. All Rights Reserved.