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The Ocean Environemnt
✔️General Education Series for Grades 8+
✔️30 Lessons with 30 Collectable Badges
✔️ Over 5 check-your-understanding questions with feedback with every lesson
✔️ Summative assessment and personalized feedback from instructors (with 🦈 Apex Membership)
✔️ Games to review academic language such as crossword, matching, maze, jigsaw, word wheel, and many more
✔️ Course designed by Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) alumni and/or graduate students.
✔️30 Lessons with 30 Collectable Badges
✔️ Over 5 check-your-understanding questions with feedback with every lesson
✔️ Summative assessment and personalized feedback from instructors (with 🦈 Apex Membership)
✔️ Games to review academic language such as crossword, matching, maze, jigsaw, word wheel, and many more
✔️ Course designed by Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) alumni and/or graduate students.
More Details
- If you are interested in the ocean or pursuing a career in marine science this introductory , general education course, The Ocean Environment is for you.
- This 30 lesson series will jump-start your education path by building a foundation in key concepts and terms used across marine science fields. The recommended grades for this course are 8+.
- As you finish lessons, you will be able to collect badges in your Inkwire Community Space!
New lessons will be added every month
Meet your course designers
Welcome to The Ocean Environment! We are so excited that you are here. Are you interested in the ocean and the incredible and beautiful organisms that call it a home? So are we! We come from two different research backgrounds - Sonya studies thermal ecology, specifically looking at crab and is a current PhD student at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). Nicole studies molecular ecology, specifically looking at new species in the deep sea and is an alumni from SIO. We hope to share our passion for the ocean environment with you!
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